23 August 2015


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Hi guys!

I'm so sorry I haven't blogged for such a long time, but I just wanted to enjoy my holiday and have the best summer ever (which I had!), but now I'm back. I was just enjoying one of my Sunday pamper nights and suddenly I got inspiration to write a blog post. Oh and I'm writing this on my new laptop, it feels good!

Change has never been a friend of mine. I just like to keep things the way they are, without too much fuss. Maybe that's why I always seem to cry on New year's eve, or why I had a mental breakdown after finishing the last episode of Gossip Girl, because now I had to find another tv series to watch. Change is scary, because it means that something new will come instead. In most cases, that 'new thing' is something you've never experienced before and I think that's where I go wrong. I like to be in control of everything, it's just a part of me. And since I can't control the big change that's coming in my life very soon, my anxiety has been awful lately.

Remember when I graduated from secondary school 3 months ago? Man, I can't believe how excited I was, because I didn't have to go back to my old school ever again. I would start a complete new life somewhere else, how cool! Now summer is almost over and that new life is starting soon. Actually, it's starting tomorrow. I wish I was as excited as 3 months ago, but unfortunately, I'm not. I'd rather go back to my old school where I spent 5 amazing years of my life with my best friends.

Obviously, that's not possible. Tomorrow morning at 9.30 AM, I will appear at my new school in my new clothes with my new backpack. I will make new friends and see new places. I will learn new things and make new memories. It seems like the scariest thing ever right now, but I'm sure I'll love it. Once I'm in control of my new life, I will enjoy it. I just have to have a little faith in myself.

Love, Elisa