11 January 2015

One photograph a day: week 1

Hi guys!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything last week, I have been very busy with school because my test week is coming soon. I'll try and schedule some posts for next week!

Nonetheless, I came across this app where you make one picture, every day of the year. I absolutely LOVED this idea, but I wanted to do something else, instead of uploading my pictures on this random app. So every Sunday, I'll be posting 7 pictures, of the things I did that week.I am super excited to share my life with you guys!

Monday 5/1: the holidays came to an end and I had to go back to school again.. Fortunately, I had some extra time to do my makeup, straighten my hair and pick out some nice clothes.

Tuesday 6/1: I noticed that there was a huge sale going at the shoe shop in town, so after school I just had to go and check it out. I found these Uggs and I just had to buy them! They are definitely not the prettiest shoes, but you can just put them on with everything and they are just too comfy. These are the classic minis, in the color Chestnut. Oh and I'm a size 2, so they were very cheap. How I love buying things in the children's section!

Wednesday 7/1: I had school from 9.30 am 'til 4.30 pm, and then I had to work for 3 more hours. I was exhausted, so I was really happy to see my bed.

Thursday 8/1: This picture was taken after class at the theatre school. I really missed it during the holidays so I was happy to be back! We had a very tough dancing lesson, and my muscles still hurt, ouch.

Friday 9/1: Thank god it's Friday! I took this picture before I had to work at Jamin, which is a little sweets shop in town. I love working there, my co-workers are awesome and hey, who wouldn't mind being surrounded by candy all day long? I'm not complaining!

Saturday 10/1: Yay, party time! I had an amazing night with my friends. We all needed some relaxation before the test week starts, so we just chilled, drank wine and listened to music. 

Sunday 11/1: Although I feel a little hungover, there's still a lot of homework to do. I'm already procastinating by writing this blog post, so I'd better get on with it. 

I hope you enjoyed this post, I really liked doing it and I'm excited to do this again next week! 

What were your highlights of last week?

Love, Elisa 

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